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Royal Urn Monumental Tomb

 Royal Urn Tomb

Royal Urn Monumental Tomb

Royal Urn, is  a monumental tomb from the Kings Wall. These magnificent hand carved tombs are on the Western Wall of Jebel Khubtha. What magnificence! Here at the Kings Wall are four enormous tombs of mega importance. These are tombs of the kings! They are tombs to be remembered. They are carved into the rocks at the foot of the mountain. They stand guard over the city! The first is the Royal Urn Tomb. The other three are the Silk Tomb, the Corinthian Tomb, and the Palace Tomb. They are marvelously built!  Their architecture is one of excellence! You have arrived at the Kings Wall!

These marvelous tombs were connected to the Nabataean  Water System. Water cascaded down from above into cisterns below located below. This amazing waterfall created the center of the town below. What excellence of design! What beauty abounded! Welcome to Jebel Khubtha and the beautiful City Center Gardens.

The Urn Tomb was built in 446 BC and finished in 7 AD. It is a tomb of grander. Royal Urn Tomb is the largest of the four tombs of the Kings. It is the final resting place of a great king! Royal Urn Tomb is the finest of all the tombs. It is the resting place of an unknown king. Many archaeologists believe it may be the tomb of Nabataean King Malchus II. Whoever was buried here, was buried with great honor.

Petra is home to an amazing number of fantastic tombs. These tombs were a grand celebration of the accomplishments of the dead. They are a celebration of their achievements while on earth. Where the inscriptions were carved, they remain to this day. It is believed though, that many were hand painted. Those have perished with time. These extraordinary tombs continued to be built well into the Second Century AD.

Archaeologists have located inscriptions on Papyruses in other locations. These discoveries have enabled them to know the succession of Nebataean Kings. However, they are still unsure which of the Royal Tombs were built for which King. They are still studying! They are still digging! They still hope to learn which tomb belongs to which King. This is a perfect example of how this mysterious city of Petra, has kept hidden some of her best secrets. Perhaps one day an adventurous climber will find a new clue. Petra has many hidden secrets, just waiting to be discovered! This is a city of adventure! Will you be the next one to discover a clue!

The Royal Urn Tomb was so large and extraordinary that during the Byzantine period in the year of 446 AD, it was converted into the large Byzantine Church. This Church was built directly over the Nabataean and Roman remains. What a beautiful Cathedral! It was designed and built with imported marble, astonishing mosaics, and building materials from previous monuments. The Urn Tomb was now a Cathedral of excellence! Welcome to the Cathedral of Petra!

Like most archaeology site, there are many layers of the city of Petra. It adds to the excitement! It makes for an adventure like no other. One day, someone will stumble on a valuable clue. Will it be you? Make this the year for discovering the secrets of Petra. Explore the Kings Wall! The exploration of a life-time is waiting!


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