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Petroglyph National Monument New Mexico – Rinconada Canyon Petroglyphs

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Petroglyphs National Monument New Mexico- Rinconada Canyon Trail – John Gentry

The area of trails is made up of three of just petroglyphs and then another three for the volcanic trail system. This is the second in the series and the Rinconada Canyon Trail. The black covers a series of small hills with a large number of petroglyphs around it all the way to the top. This particular trail is well maintained and easy to get to from the main road. There are times when the trail is just large rocks that you must climb over or go around. To complete this trail you follow the signs and make sure to veer right in order to take the longer route that will allow you to see a petroglyph or two up close.

0:00 chapter 1

4:00 chapter 2

8:30 chapter 3

See the full article here

#PetroglyphsNationalMonument #RinconadaCanyonTrail #Petroglyphs #johngentry #ExploreTraveler

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Camping Food – Pad Thai With Chicken Review – ExploreTraveler

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Camping Food – Pad Thai With Chicken Review

A review on the taste and flavor of Backpackers Pantry dehydrated Pad Thai with chicken meal for lunch, dinner, or whatever part of the day you feel like trying something new. This is part of several Backpackers Pantry reviews that we have been doing recently, and others brands have been done and documented on the main website. See the article below for additional review information and for articles on camping and hiking.

0:00 chapter 1

1:00 chapter 2

2:30 chapter 3

See more reviews on different brands of camping food here

#campingfood #padthai #campingfoodreviews #backpackerspantry #exploretraveler


Petroglyphs of New Mexico and future painted cave adventures – Podcast

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I discuss the latest adventures into the petroglyphs National monument and Bandolier National Monument. Preparation for the painted cave trek and examples everyone should consider for their own adventures. RIP John McAffee $WHAKD may your own petroglyphs lead to a better understanding of our current world.

#exploretraveler #podcast #petroglyphs

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Camping Food – Mango Sticky Rice Review – ExploreTraveler

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Camping Food – Mango Sticky Rice Review

A review on the taste and flavor of Backpackers Pantry dehydrated Mango Sticky rice meal for dessert, breakfast, or whatever part of the day you feel like trying something new. This is part of several Backpackers Pantry reviews that we have been doing recently, and others brands have been done and documented on the main website. See the article below for additional review information and for articles on camping and hiking.

0:00 chapter 1

1:00 chapter 2

2:30 chapter 3

See more reviews on different brands of camping food here

#campingfood #mangostickyrice #campingfoodreviews #backpackerspantry #exploretraveler
all right so it’s coming up on around 8 o’clock 8 p.m this is my first night here at this particular campground and i’ve been kind of testing out some of the gear and giving you some you know video reports the stove is working great as a matter of fact i wanted to top off some coffee real quick see how hot that is i have one more meal today so the first one i did today was chili mac that’s kind of that was basically my breakfast i didn’t eat anything until then i had that ice cream sandwich and then this is um for din i would call it dinner slash i don’t know dessert maybe it’s called mango sticky rice by backpackers pantry i’ve never had this um i am a distributor of them so for the full disclosure on that but i am not paid to give any kind of response to anything so let’s see

put the water in ahead of time it’s really unusual for a uh it’s got a kind of a sesame flavor with mango mixed in

i taste coconut milk for sure

i was afraid it was gonna be like overpowering sweet but but it’s not

kind of has a thai feel to it yeah it’s called sweet thai delight with mango coconut black sesame seeds makes a fantastic breakfast or dessert yeah by the way this is two servings
yeah it’s definitely good so this is what it looks like i’ll be eating on this probably for the next hour quite a bit damn

keep my coffee

i’m going to be wrapping things up

before i do so

there’s some bugs coming around and i want to have a fire here

someone like that as you might see i have a another camera off in the distance


so my campfire started

i guess you can see the smoke now

i’m gonna be wrapping things up pretty soon here

but this is a nice little campground this is in bandelier national monument and i’m at the juniper family campground and as you can see from the background there’s a lot of junipers so it makes sense that they would call it that so i wish everyone a good night and all my friends up there

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Camping Food Review – Chili Mac Review – Mountain House – ExploreTraveler

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Camping Food Reviews – Chili Mac Review

This is a quick review of the Mountain House brand of Chili Mac. From flavor to taste get the latest from my camping food and gear playlists.

Here is the latest article with reviews, videos of gear and food here:

#campingfood #campingmeals #chilimac #mountainhouse #campingfoodreviews #exploretraveler

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Petroglyphs National Monument New Mexico – Boca Negra Canyon Trail – ExploreTraveler

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Petroglyphs National Monument New Mexico- Boca Negra Canyon Trail

The area of trails is made up of three of just petroglyphs and then another three for the volcanic trail system. This is the first and the Boca Negra Canyon Trail. The black mountain is basically a small hill with a large number of petroglyphs around it all the way to the top. This particular trail is well maintained and easy to get to from the main road. There are times when the trail is just large rocks that you must climb over or go around. To complete this trail you follow the signs and make sure to veer right in order to take the longer route that will allow you to see a petroglyph or two up close.

See the full article here

#PetroglyphsNationalMonument #BocaNegraCanyonTrail #Petroglyphs #ExploreTraveler

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Elena Gallegos Picnic Area and Park Hiking – ExploreTraveler

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Visitors to Elena Gallegos Picnic Area Albuquerque and Albert G. Simms Park enjoy many activities below the backdrop of the Sandia Mountains, which were named for their pink colors at sunset – “- “Sandia” means “watermelon” in Spanish.”

In the Elena Gallegos Open space system, the 640-acre park is a hidden gem. At an elevation of about 6,500 feet, visitors can view Mt. Taylor to the west, the Jemez Mountains to the north, and the vast Tijeras Arroyo to the south.

The landscape supports a piñon-juniper habitat that includes Chamisa, Apache plume, scrub oak, cane cholla cactus, blue grama grass, bear grass, and soapweed yucca. If visitors use their observation skills packrat nests can be seen under juniper trees, coyote and bear scat can be identified along the elena gallegos trail, and the elusive cougar may be spotted traveling through natural drainage.

Winter Hours for visiting Elena Gallegos (In effect starting Nov. 1): 7 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Summer Hours for visiting Elena Gallegos (In effect starting April 1): 7 a.m. – 9 p.m.

The Cibola National Forest covers more than 1.6 million acres in New Mexico, with elevations ranging from 2,700 feet to over 11,300 feet. We have four ranger districts: Sandia, Mountainair, Magdalena, and Mt. Taylor. In addition, the Cibola has four wilderness areas: Sandia Mountain, Manzano Mountain, Withington, and Apache Kid.

#hiking #CibolaNationalForest #NationalForest #ExploreTraveler #elenagallegosalbuquerque
#elenagallegospark #elenagallegostrail

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Episode 6 – ExploreTraveler Show by John Gentry White Sands National Monument (made with Spreaker)

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I discuss the information and details of White Sands National Monument and Carlsbad Caverns National Park. You can read the article for additional details and see the video here

White Sands National Monument

White Sands National Monument

Exploring the Southwest comes with an abundance of places to explore. New Mexico is no different and one only needs to look at a map, and there south of Albuquerque is the White Sands National Monument. I drove in from the south, via an east to the west corridor through the top side of the Lincoln National Forest.