Granny Smith Apples In Yakima Washington
Apples are one of the awesome gifts we get from the Pacific Northwest. Granny Smith Apples were first discovered in Australia in 1865. Granny Smith Apples are a favorite among cooks who enjoy its crisp and tart taste. It is often used for pies and other deserts. It has a tart spicy flavor with just a tinge of sweetness to it. Perfect for baking. It is the rich volcanic soil found in the Pacific Northwest and Cascade Mountain Spring water that makes these delicious delicious apples. There is no other apple for the serious cook and baker.
Eastern Washington has hot dry summer days and the nights are cool and crisp. The perfect combination for raising many different types of apples. Washington exports Granny Smith, Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Fuji, Gala, Rome, Jonagold, Honey Crisp, Cameo, Cripps Pink, and Braeburn.
The Red Delicious apple is known as America’s favorite. It is a dark red and has a slight heart shape. It’s mild and sweet flavor and it’s slight crunch make it an awesome snacking apple. This apple is rarely used for cooking, but it is a must in every lunch pail.
The Golden Delicious is the all-time favorite for general baking and cooking. The skin is so soft that it requires no peeling. This mellow apple retains it’s shape in cooking. It is often used for baked apples. There is nothing like good baked apples with a touch of butter and cinnamon.
The Fuji Apple varies in color from a yellow-green with a tinge of red to mostly red. It is sweet and juicy and often used in salads. It is also a wonderful apple for snacking and lunches.
The Gala Apple is yellow-orange with red overtones. It is sweet and crisp and makes an excellent snacking apple. Mighty delicious in salads also. These are perfect for apple and raisin salad.
The Rome Apple is the bakers buddy and used for cooking and baking. Their flavor gets better when cooked. They are really good sauteed and baked. They also make good applesauce.
The Jonagold is a blend between the Johnathan and the Golden Delicious. It is a yellow-green with red stripes. It is a tangy and sweet apple and awesome for snacks or salad.
The Honey Crisp is yellow with a red overlay. It is a sweet and crisp apple. It is perfect for eating, salads, and sauces. Another good choice for applesauce.
The Cameo Apple is red over a creamy base. It is sweet and firm and excellent for eating. It is an awesome desert apple and holds it’s shape when cooked. Delicious for baked apples and apple crisp deserts.
The Cripps Pink is a yellow apple with a pink overlay. It is sweet-tart and very crisp. It is a good eating apple and is good for cooking. It is a good choice for deserts.
The last of Washington’s apples is the Braeburn Apple. It can vary from a greenish-gold to solid red. It is crisp and aromatic. It’s combination of sweet and tart makes it unique among apples. It is an awesome choice for salads and snacks. It is an awesome apple to pair with walnuts.
These are the many apples of the Yakima, Washington area. The choices seem endless. They all grow in the rich volcanic soils and are watered by the springs of the Cascade Mountain Range. This is the perfect formula to make an awesome apple.
Looking for a vacation close to home? Yakima, Washington is the perfect destination. Any month is apple month!