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Mountains Over Petra As The Sun Sets

The sun setting among the mountains of Petra

Mountains Over Petra As The Sun Sets

Mountains over Petra stand tall, as the sun sets over the Jordanian Desert. Petra is nestled among the cliffs of the rock. The mountains over Petra stand guard, as the hidden city  prepares for the night. Imagine a city that is directly carved into the sandstone, hidden among the cliffs of the rocks. A lost city, in the middle of the Jordanian Desert, that you can only find if you know the way. The mountains over Petra enclose this mysterious city, keeping it hidden for centuries. What beauty awaits! Come, discover beauty that is unbelievable.

The mountains over Petra protect the Bedouins that call this harsh desert home. This amazing desert has sandstone of many different colors. This unique desert, under the watchful eyes of the mountains, appears endless and vast. It is in this vastness that you discover amazing Bedouin camps. Here you will see camels hard at work and a tent city in the midst of the desert. Simple tents are all the Bedouins require and they are completely happy and at peace. As you stop at a desert camp, you will find awesome local teas and many tourist goods for sale. Welcome to the desert, a harsh but beautiful land, under the loving care of the Bedouins. They are a simple people, with simple needs, living under the watchful eyes of the mountains. Watch as the mountains over Petra prepare to put the day to bed, and greet the night.

Experience this spectacular desert, as you scamper up the cliffs to watch the sun dip down over the mountains. Watch as the sky changes color from deep orange to magenta or a desert red. The mountains over Petra morph into a painters delight. Return to the main Bedouin tent to share a simple meal that was baked in the sand. Listen to the stories of the night, or bed down in your own small tent.   Panorama Sunset Camp could compete with any simple bed and breakfast. Experience life under the mountains over Petra.


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