Roswell New Mexico Crash Site Area – ExploreTraveler
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Welcome To Roswell Where History Lives On
Before Roswell was a thought, from 1866 to 1869, the area was nothing more than reservations and cattlemen bringing their cattle up what would later become known as the Chisum Trail. As is often the case, the Goodnight-Loving camping site soon had a trading post, and gambling halls quickly followed. A wealthy gambler, Mr. Van Smith, then bought these buildings and preceded to give the area a name. Named after his father, Roswell was born and a post office was established in the year of 1873.
By 1875, one of the original cattlemen, John Chisum, bought land just outside Roswell and developed South Springs Ranch. This ranch flourished and grew, becoming the largest cattle ranch in the United States at that time. Capt. Fast forward a couple of years and Joseph Lea, another wealthy rancher in the area, began buying up most of the buildings in Roswell. By 1877 he owned most of the town and began to seriously develop the emerging community. You can ask anyone in Roswell, Lea has become known as “the father of Roswell.”
Our article on the Roswell UFO crash site and area.
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