Facebook – We put in a tremendous amount of effort into this social media platform, and have very active personal and business accounts. Since Facebook changed how they operate even with 30,000 likes on one post and 88,000 followers the click-through traffic is very small. So this platform is good to have and lends to our credibility but the company works against you if you want interested people on your website, and increase your worldwide influence.

Now comes the newcomer beBee and they estimate Facebook only gives us access to 5% of our network unless we pay to have access to more. We have noticed that even with paying our access is limited to the amount we pay to the company. We are now acting as a Brand Ambassador for this new social media company, and we have great expectations that they will increase their presence within the USA and UK markets in 2016. The company boasts almost 9 Million followers after only nine months open to the public, and the USA market is still small at 4500 so the growth potential for this platform is huge, and we hope to grow with them.

beBee has a strong following in Spain, India, Mexico, and South America. We are active here as well and have seen faster account growth rates than we normally get from social media platforms. It has allowed us to expand our blog readership into Cuba, Spain, India, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, and Chile. These countries were never on our radar before, and Brazil is our fastest growth in readership now. The company is still very small but well-funded, and the staff communicates with us regularly. I see the potential to be very strong in South and Central America. Also at the moment, I can directly follow by category and by country. This has allowed me to target high-growth countries for future growth opportunities.

Our presence on beBee and how the account works so far:

As of this writing, we already have over 1000 followers and growing fast. You are able to target people to follow by country, and Hive or category such as journalism. We already have to receive emails from other users in Spanish and English 24/7 with great activity on our new groups as well. The staff working there is very helpful and directly involved within the network with the sharing, and liking of posts throughout their day. They are also very active in reaching out to people around the world and getting the word out about this new media platform.

2015 has seen tremendous growth for us overall, and we really enjoy the interaction with everyone here on beBee and look forward to this platform having great growth in 2016 and beyond. It is really nice to be in contact with others that understand the technological challenges we face, and how we all share ideas and techniques to help each other’s businesses grow.

Happy Travels!


John Gentry