Pineapple: The Miracle Plant
Pineapple is a fruit that flourishes in the warm tropical hills of Southern Philippines. It is found throughout the tropical and subtropical world. Pineapple is an easy plant to grow. Grow it either in the ground or in very large containers. If you have a good Organic Pineapple, you can cultivate it from cutting off the crown of the fruit. The new cutting is often kept in water and when it starts to grow, it is then planted. After you plant it, you may get flowers in 20-24 months. It is not a fast process! About 6 months after you get flowers, the pineapple will fruit. Pineapple is best if left on the vine to ripen, as it does not ripen after it is harvested. Once harvested, it only keeps a couple of days if not refrigerated. If refrigerated you may get 5-7 days max.
Pineapples are eaten in many different ways in differents cuisines. It is awesome fresh, juiced, and preserved. I love to cook with it. I seldom can pineapple, but dried pineapple is awesome and keeps during the off-season. Drying the pineapple slowly preserves most of the awesome nutrients found in the fruit.
In the Philippines, even the leaves are used. The leaves are processed to make a fiber that is used to make men’s and women’s formal wear . The pina fiber, is a component used in making furniture and wallpaper. Leave it to the Filipinos to use every part of the plant. Just like they use every part of the coconut, there is no waste in the way they use the pineapple. I am always attracted to their ethic on not wasting any part of their crops. They put a lot of effort into finding out how they can use all parts of their major crops.
The amazing pineapple provides 76% percent of your daily manganese needs in just one cup and 131% percent of your vitamin C needs. It is a natural antioxidant and boosts the immune system. It also contains a significant amount of thiamine and vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 helps to stabilize blood sugar. Pineapple juice is rich in potassium. Potassium helps to promote good kidney health. Sufficient potassium in the body works to prevent muscle cramps and soreness.
Juice the stems and make a wonderful meat marinade. The stem of the pineapple is filled with bromelain, which breaks down protein. The fruit, itself, has little bromelain in it. But those woody stems are full of bromelain and are also good to cook with. How versatile this fruit is!
Many believe that the pineapple has an abundance of medical uses as well. While these have not been documented and tested trials by the government, there are some areas that pineapple consumption seems to work wonders in. It is important that you eat fresh pineapple or make your own fresh juice. Preserved juices usually have sugars and preservatives.
In Alternative Medicine pineapple juice is used as an Anti-inflammatory. This enzyme seems to rival NSAIDS and steroids. Combine it with turmeric and it is even more potent. This combination aids in digestion, helps in the healing of bruises, and alleviates arthritis pain. It helps in the healing of tissues and the healing of wounds. Pineapple is also helpful in building strong bones and connective tissues. Pineapple is a natural anticoagulant and is useful in the clotting of blood when used daily. It also helps to prevent bacterial growth in the mouth. A glass of pineapple juice helps to prevent mucus accumulation in the mouth and throat. It produces a healthy cough and clears the lungs. What is there not to like about this fantastic fruit?
Make this the year you leisurely walk through the pineapple fields of the Southern Philippines. Take time to learn how to make a variety of stir-frys, soups, and other tropical delights. Include pineapple and turmeric in your diet daily. Learn to make Pineapple Fritters that are fried in coconut oil. Serve your fritters with eggs with turmeric, onions, mushrooms, tomatoes, peppers, and garlic . Garnish with cilantro and avocado! Be sure to eat your garnish! Widen your horizons in the coming year! Discover Pineapple!