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Raw Sugar Cane Juice In Taiwan

Raw Sugar Can Juice

Healthy Wonder Food In Taiwan

Sugar Cane is a member of the grass family. Lots of greens grow wild throughout the earth. We call them herbs. Many of these herbs are eaten in many parts of the world. Lambs quarter and dandelion greens are common weeds in many areas. In other parts of the world, they are a delicacy. In one place it is a weed to be gotten rid of. And yet, it can be a great addition to your salad. Such is the story of the humble Dandelion Green. This is the history of most herbs. In the wrong place, a herb is called a weed. Is it still good to eat? Yes, it is! The grass is not eaten because it has a very high fiber content. It has stalks that are very stiff. It lacks tender leaves. But if you want to add it to a blender, and then strain off the remaining fiber, it can be eaten and it is healthy. It is a perfect addition to your morning smoothie. So what about Sugar Cane? Is raw sugar cane healthy?

Raw Sugar Cane Juice

Raw Sugar Cane Juice is a healthy wonder food. This amazing wonder food is loaded with health benefits in its raw form. Cane Juice is alkaline to the body. It is a medical fact that most diseases are not able to thrive in a body that is alkaline. This is why Sugar Cane Juice when prepared and used raw, can be healing to our bodies. Raw Sugar Cane Juice is another of the wonder foods of Taiwan.

There are many findings that suggest that it is a key factor in lowering cholesterol. It seems to have affected both the LDL and the triglycerides.  Scientists are just beginning to research this magnificent superfood from Taiwan. As is often the case, Raw Sugar Cane Juice has been used for many years in Taiwan and by the Chinese.

A favorite way to serve the sugar cane is with ginger and lemon juice. I am not sure where the origin of this recipe is. I first learned to make this in Hawaii. You can cut the sugar cane small and many juicers will take it. Some powerful juicer blenders can also handle it. My blender will handle the cane well. I add the cane, ginger, lemon, and water. Then you can blend on low and then med and then high. Then I strain into the glass of ice. I have also used a mallet. I cut the pieces small and remove the outside. and then pound the cane with about 1/2 to 3/4 inch ginger that is peeled and cut small. Then add the juice of a lemon. Then I pound till I have all the juice from the cane and ginger. I add water as needed.  I then strain and pour the juice over ice. I like to garnish with a sprig of fresh mint.

Hawaii is a very multicultural state, so everything gets mixed up there. Regardless of its beginnings, it is a delicious drink. There are many different ways to make Raw Sugar Cane Juice, this is just one of the many. One thing is for sure, it arrived from Asia, as many of the extraordinary foods of Hawaii do. There is a huge Asian influence on these islands.

Raw Sugar Cane Juice in Taiwan is awesome and delicious. There seem to be several different ways to make it, depending on which part of the country you are in. So while traveling the island, sample several. You will soon find your own favorite recipe.

Other Healthy Juices From Taiwan


Sweet Baby Green Mango Ice

These baby green mangos are so delicious to taste. They are much sweeter than the larger mangoes. These Taiwan jewels almost melt in your mouth. They must be the sweetest mangoes in the world. These trees are dwarf and rarely grow more than 7 feet. This makes them the perfect height to be able to reach these superfruits. These baby mangoes are another wonder of Taiwan.

Mango Ice

Taiwan is famous for its juicy fruit that is served over a bed of ice. These Sweet Baby Green Mangoes are crushed and mixed with shaved ice. This is then made into a large mound in your bowl. Then more fresh mango is added on top of the ice.  This is the perfect fresh drink on a hot island day.

You will find this Mango Ice served all over the island. They are usually quite large and hard to eat in one sitting. They keep well in the freezer and you can go back in a few hours and finish.

Taiwan Mangoes may be one of the kings of all fruits on the island. They are an important super fruit. Mango ice each day may keep the doctor at bay.  These little fruits are believed by many to fight cancer, help keep the body alkaline, and help you feel full. Since they only have a few calories they can aid in weight loss. Many doctors believe they help to regulate blood sugar and ward off diabetes. The Taiwanese believe they help to keep your digestion working correctly. Many Asians believe that they clean your skin. For sure they make the perfect superfood snack. While in Taiwan be sure to eat several. They are another one of the wonder foods of Taiwan.


Papaya Another Wonder Of Taiwan

The papaya is another wonder fruit of Taiwan. Eat half of the papaya to give you all the vitamin C you will need for the next two days. Now that is awesome! It also contains about 20% of the needed fiber for the day. This same half of papaya will also give you about 14% of your daily needs of vitamin A, potassium, magnesium, and copper. You can enjoy the whole half and know that it will have less than 120 calories on average.

You can also add the seeds to your juices and smoothies to help prevent and rid the body of parasites according to Chinese Medicine.

This fruit is just another one of the superfruits grown in Taiwan. It is healthy and delicious. You can make many different juices and juice blends. Here is a favorite tropical juice for a hot day.

Papaya/Pineapple Juice

(Taken from Martha Steward’s Collection)


  • 5 sprigs of fresh mint
  • 1 pineapple, peeled and cut into pieces
  • 1 medium papaya, peeled and seeded (You can keep the seeds to add to other juices)


  1. Press all ingredients through a juice extractor into a measuring cup. Stir to combine before serving.

    Dragon Fruit

The Amazing Dragon Fruit

The Dragon fruit is an exotic fruit with a red leathery outside.  This delicious fruit grows on several types of cactus. The most common color of the inside fruit is white with tiny black seeds which you eat. There is also one that has yellow skin with tiny black seeds. The hardest to find is the magenta-colored fruit with tiny black seeds. They are the tastiest of all these delicious fruits. They are also the hardest to find.

Many Asian doctors believe the fruit is able to lower cholesterol, boost your immune system, prevent some types of cancer and even help prevent and cure heart disease, Western medicine has not done any real research on this tropical fruit, as it is rarely seen outside of places like Southern California, Arizona, Florida, and Hawaii. It is so rare that it usually quite expensive even in those places. They can usually be found only in Asian Markets. The average cost in Florida for one small fruit is around 6-7 dollars. Asian Markets usually have them when in season for the area.

As with all fruits, there are many juice combinations that you can do. Dragon fruit is also used in salads, sorbet, and ice cream. When using the yellow fruit, many people add a little lemon or lime to bring out the more subtle flavor. Here is one of the best sorbet recipes I have found.

Dragon Fruit Sorbet

(Taken from:

2 dragon fruits
3/4 c. cold water
1 tbsp. lemon juice
2 tbsp sugar

Cut the dragon fruit in half. Scoop out the flesh with a spoon. Reserve the halves for serving, if desired. Freeze the halves until you are ready to fill them.

Place the pulp of the dragon fruit in your food processor along with the water, lemon juice, and sugar. Pulse until smooth. Pour into an ice cream maker and churn until frozen. Spoon the sorbet into the frozen halves, or freeze the sorbet until ready to serve.

Makes about 2 cups of sorbet.

Taiwan Superfruits

When exploring the Island of Taiwan, one of the greatest adventures will be the food. The constant source of fruit is a health wonder. Each fruit has its own special area of excellence. Taiwan is the king of superfruits. You will see them everywhere. The morning markets are piled high with the latest fruits in season. There are so many that it is hard to choose which one to try. Juice stands are everywhere. You will see them at the morning market, on the streets, and at the evening markets. I have also just seen them in front of a home, where they had been freshly made. This is a fruit lover’s heaven.

While traveling the island take time to try as many fruits and vegetables as you can. All the foods of this Island Nation that I personally have tried have been delicious. I can eat at the market daily. Everything is fresh and they do not add a lot of things that do not belong in the food. If you order fruit juices at the markets, you will get fresh juices.

So make this the year for a superfruit adventure. You can easily eat your way around the Island and back again.


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Sanxiantai Dragon Bridge Taitung, Taiwan

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