Estimated reading time: 9 minutes

The begining of the pandemic end
Pandemic End 2022: Normally I don’t discuss the end of the current pandemic but I think it’s time. Traveling around the world has been hampered, and people from all works of life have been affected. Livelihoods have been destroyed, and travel is a major way final resources are spread into lower-income communities around the world. We don’t know what’s going to happen any more than the government does, but it’s important that all of us live our lives as we see fit. Yes, there will be more variants to come, and some will succumb to the virus or even the flu. It’s not healthy for human society to stay away from people, and to let our governments scare us into a form of compliance that makes us slaves to others. All of the people of this planet deserve life and freedom, and it’s time for all of us to just live our lives. If we don’t others will make decisions for us, and that will be war, lockdown, and despair.
Table of contents
When will the pandemic end?
Once a large number of people have had recovery of a new variant immunity for future infections should improve.
Will people be allowed to travel in 2022?
Yes, I expect that as more people recover from the latest variant future infections will continue dropping. This will put pressure on governments to open up travel to allow economic recovery.

Changes for travel are in the air
Recently I have begun to review the data from John Hopkins on the current situation of the pandemic, and it’s very clear that with the latest variants people have been able to achieve what scientists call herd immunity. The government of the United States seems to be about ninety days behind the curve, and I expect that is on purpose. People are connected worldwide now via modern communications, and there is no way for any government to hide what is happening forever. People have begun to accept the reality that this virus is here to stay, and will continue to change over time. Society’s ability to adapt to the virus will have scientific breakthroughs, and also bring about the reality that others have been protected via the previous infection. This in turn will open up various tests that allow us to better understand the immune response of some people, and maybe replicate that over time.

The people demanding a return to normal with pandemic end
Recently Canada has been in the news, and people are just tired of the new rules and are demanding these rules to be removed. As many of you know I think in terms of historical mindset, and I expect the governments of the world will begin to relent and give back some of the freedoms people have lost. There will be new movements generated out of the pandemic, and hopefully, people begin to understand what they have allowed happening. Governments of the world normally try to start a war to cover up their sins, and we are seeing that now with the NATO Russia constant propaganda trying to push the world into a new cold or hot war over Ukraine. Hopefully, all of us will demand peace, and begin to open up the world to international travel. It has always been my belief that if we visit, and try to understand each other better peace can prevail.
As with most governments of history the United States and Canada will test what they think they can get away with. As people begin to show that they want more freedom of travel some of these issues will go away. Now that does not mean we will get a return to 2019 because we won’t. The Overton window concept seems to always be used, and over time that is why you see such major changes over generations. Hopefully the vaccine mandates at the borders will be removed since they have not been shown to reduce transmission. As travelers, we have to take immunization often for a particular country but with the pandemic the use of technologies that were unproven was rampid. I expect this will improve, and that a true version that works will be available soon.

The demanding of normallity
North America will be much more open in the summer of 2022 but in order to keep it that way the people of Mexico, the United States, and Canada will have to demand to keep it that way. Yes, we are entering the endemic stage of the pandemic, and this means people will continue to catch this. The government’s role needs to begin to focus on the treatment of people at the earliest stage of symptoms. This will keep the hospitals empty of people who don’t get as sick as they would have. As of this moment the States within the USA that do provide more advanced treatment seems to emanate out of Texas, and Florida. This means that for the pandemic end 2022 we will need to have people become more resilient to the virus. Recently Bill Gates stated that it was the latest variant that has brought the pandemic end to reality. In its current form, I think he is right. but the endemic phase will continue for several years I’m sure.
With the USA opening this summer hopefully people’s lives that were turned upside down, and the lives of children who are our future generation can be improved. The consequence of lockdowns will be dramatic, and new habits both good, and bad has been created out of this. During my travels, I have seen a whole new culture of people turning to the great outdoors and traveling the National Parks for adventure, and for peace of mind. I was one of these people, and my time in the desert of the Southwest really did help me deal with the reality of what I was dealing with. We now morn our family members, and friends who have died during this period of time, and we will live our lives hopefully having a creature value for all life to include nature.

Continued opening and increase of travel
As we move into the spring I expect all states within the USA will have ended all mask mandates. The borders of Mexico, and Canada will need some rules changes so automobile travel can begin getting back to normal. The truckers in Canada are bringing some of these changes up, and hopefully, change will begin soon to improve the situation. The elections within the United States Congress will also bring a lot of these issues to light for the American people. and once Canada has new parliament elections a new balance of power will begin. All of this does mean new ideas will be in the air, and hopefully, interstate travel and a love of the adventure will grow within everyone’s heart.

Opening up travel economics with pandemic end 2022
Once money begins to flow there will be pressure on the oil markets, and this should allow companies to begin to open up oil production, and hopefully fund new renewables to also increase energy and storage. Electric cars need to begin to be considered for the future of travel, but not as a total replacement. There is a need for both, and as always pollution should be reduced. People who travel between cities using these new cars will need additional infrastructure to keep the vehicles charged. Hybrid vehicles will be fine, and those needing traditional fuel will need to plan for the increase in prices. There will be shortages for many years to come, and this is a consequence of international governments making very bad decisions. We as the people of the world can help this by encouraging the restart of every local economy in the world. From food vendors to small farmers, and fill the gaps with new products, and ideas around the world.

This pandemic end 2022 will be a historical mark for human history, and how we choose to come out of this will determine how we are remembered over time. As normal through history freedom is something that needs to be demanded, and without the average person understanding that government is always considering how they stay in power over how much freedom one might have. So moving forward there will be changes, and I expect this year will see improvements and many sites opening up to allow exploration around the world and the USA.
It is my expectation with governments having real-world data at their fingertips will see the current winds of change happen quickly. Today we have data running rapidly and if they see people beginning to move in a way that could eliminate them from power they will relent quickly to a certain extent.
It is my hope that everyone will open their arms, and hearts to each other, and help each other in the days, and months ahead. Our greatness as a species is our ability to change, and improve the world around us. I for one plan on continuing my learning, education, and traveling to anywhere I can visit. From the enjoyment of a campsite in the National Forest to the enjoyment of a museum in Cairo Egypt, and everything in between. So keep your head up, and your heart opened to each other, and travel on everyone.