By John Gentry Travel Tips That Could Save Your Life
Table of contents

Travel tips are an important part of preparation and planning for your trip. There is no need to start from scratch, you can stand on the shoulders of others. I myself began reading books, and magazines back in the day, and today you can engross yourself in many online resources like this FREE blog. This was the original article that I developed for joining our email years ago, and today it is now a small book and an audiobook. What I want you to do is to really think about the statements, and to ponder them. You will have health issues, bad food, dirty clothes, need a shower, and much more during your adventure and walk about strange lands. It has always been our goal to bring you family travel tips to whatever setting we offer. From international travel to traveling from your car to National Parks or Monuments, these tips will help keep you safe, and healthy as you travel about. We will continue adding to these, but they will only offer some of the similar tips we have in our book for audiobooks. We have kept the price as low as possible so Amazon can host this for those who want additional information. Visit My Author Page Here for a list of ebooks, and audiobooks.
Top Travel Tips
1. Never pass up a good toilet because the next one may be a squat only. Now the question is do you fully understand what a squat toilet is? Some of you do but most likely the true understanding other than the obvious will not be fully understood until you get to experience it. These types of toilets can be clean, yes, but most likely they will be nasty, and disgusting. So please heed this warning, and sometimes in third world nations, the men’s is cleaner so have a man check. Oh and one other point before I move on. If outside make sure to check for snakes, raccoons, dogs, or any other critter that can ruin your da
2. Always get cash after customs at your destination airport. Euros and USD may be an exception. Don’t risk breaking local customs regulations. Most countries have legal rules that state how much forien currency you can bring in, and if you happen to get checked that money will disappear real quick.
3. Always carry diarrhea medicine. Some of you have heard about travelers’ diarrhea, and yes it is a thing and can be caused by many bugs, stress, or bad food. So this simple medicine will keep you more comfortable, and prevent de-hydration.
Languages And Hygiene Travel Tips
4. Always look up three words before you travel; thank you, yes, and no. This is not a difficult task and those little language books in the book store work best. I know people like to use their phone for everything but batteries die, phones get lost, and a small simple English to Spanish or any other language can really help. People are similar all around the world and it shows respect to them and their countrymen when you at least to speak their language.
5. Always have tissue packages on hand for the bathroom and eating use. Most international bathrooms DO-NOT have toilet paper. Use those small tissue packets, and make sure to stock up along the way.
6. Certain medicine needs to be considered. Tylenol, Panadol, and any needed prescription drugs. Get these at your local pharmacy anywhere in the world, and keep these well stocked up as you travel along. When I’m doing remote hiking and don’t feel good it’s very handy, and just like the Scouts be “Always Ready”.
7. Learn and study body language. Most expressions are international, sometimes this may not be true. For example in the United States, you might cross your legs, but in most of the Middle East, the bottom of your shoe is considered offensive. The most important is to smile but only the right amount, and you don’t want to give someone the wrong idea or impression.
Everyday Family Travel Tips
8. Use modern technology like Twitter to keep you updated on certain travel areas. US Department of State and the CDC have an alert service. Always register at your local Embassy so if a major emergency happens they know you’re in-country and will send you a text message.
9. Water usage should be increased to offset times when good clean water is not available. By increasing your water usage during times of plenty you have more time to hydrate later. I’m not saying this is necessarily a healthy approach, but an important thing to do. Adventure travel can consume a great amount of water and get de-hydrated is more common than most understand.
10. Learn some basics in English, German, Mandarin, and Russian, these languages can sometimes be used in emergencies. Being an English speaker already, and did learn German as a young adult. I spent some time studying Mandarin in Singapore, China, and Taiwan. I picked up a little Spanish here and there, and can most likely learn most Latin-based languages quicker than say Mandarin. Russian would also have been a great choice but the opportunity never happened. It was my international exposure that gave me the opportunity to learn languages and cultures.

Travel Tips International Travel

27. You are only as good as your weakest link. So consider others in your travel party and ensure they stay healthy or you could pay the price later on. You must take care of others around you, and this could be as simple as the basics of food, water, and shelter. But there could be times overseas where you need to be observant of heat exhaustion, dehydration, or more.
In conclusion by taking a few minutes and learning these travel tips and on=ther information on this website you will be better prepared and able to travel longer, cheaper, and to have a more enjoyable time. Being sick, hurt, or excessively tired is no fun but if and when it does happen simple basic information already learned helps you to recover, and to push forward to the future in a controlled, and planed direction. No matter what career or plan you end up taking in life the people and places you see will help mold you into a better person overall having compassion, and love for your fellow man.
We hope you enjoyed these 25 Travel Tips That Can Save Your Life!
Happy Travels,

Travel Tips is exclusive content copyrighted by ExploreTraveler