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Camping And Hiking Gear Review – Collapsible Bowl – John Gentry

Camping And Hiking Gear Review – Collapsible Bowl – John Gentry – ExploreTraveler

A simple easy to use a bowl that will keep you fed and active while on your next adventure.
Here is our affiliate link for this product on Amazon

Best Bowls for Camping-Hiking –

See more of our reviews here

#campinggearreviews #campinggear #hikinggear #exploretraveler #johngentry

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02:00 chapter 2

05:00 chapter 3

hello everyone so today I wanted to show you some tools that I’ve been using that Karen has found and she’s been finding some of this stuff on Amazon and I think that’s something that everybody can benefit from so today I wanted to show you the collapse it’s a collapsible bowl so I’ve been using this um both remotely and at this particular cabin where I’m at now and I think um this is a really good product now I’m not being sponsored by this company or anything like that

got some great adventures there um i’ve reviewed tons of gear tons of different from mres to dehydrated food i’ve even done videos on food that i bought you know in grocery stores that’s good for camping so i mean we have a vast encyclopedia of adventure travel knowledge that’s there just for you the listener the viewer and the reader of our blog so without further ado this is the collapsible bull now it’s um it’s called collapsible the collapsible silicon camping bowl with lid and folding fork and the name of the company is um let’s see here mr peanut

but it’s it’s actually done by mr peanut pet carriers now people go is that a dog watering bowl does it really matter if you work for people and it weren’t for pets this is extremely extremely handy so i’m going to show you it comes in a special zip bag and you want to save the bag if you happen to buy this because there’s a little hole here in this special bag and that hole aligns with a hole in the device so you can put a clippy in it you can hang it from your backpack as you’re traveling you can use it for your pet but you can use it for yourself as well so here’s what it looks like so this is pretty handy right i mean look how small that is isn’t that great uh it probably comes in other colors but this is what it looked like what i uh what i have you can see it’s you can see the kind of expandable rings there so first you have this lid the lid comes off it seals very very very well so if you’re putting hot water in here and you want to reconstitute something it’s going to get hot in here and it’s going to keep that heat and that moisture inside this dish so it comes with a folding fork it’s a simple fork i mean it’s not as good as the spork but it folds up pretty small it’s kind of handy so i mean you can see it it gets it’s pretty small right so this this is a handy little thing uh maybe you’re having some some sausages on the barbie and this is a good thing to have but this is kind of the cool part so this flat bowl expands to a bowl that big you can see that’s a pretty good sized bowl i can put a lot of stuff in here um this will a whole dehydrated meal will easily fit into this bowl and still have room right so that’s what’s i love this thing so i use this almost daily now and i’ve had it let’s see karen found this on amazon a couple months ago and she shipped this out to me on one of my trips and i used this and if you look at you know some of these places i went to down in the southwest just 30 days ago i was very very remote so this was extremely handy so let me kind of show you how easy it is to just pack up so you just sort of push down and it just kind of pops into place here see like that take it to your little fork just put it in the middle and this goes on just like that

there you go make sure you keep the bag this bag is extremely handy because i’ve never seen a bowl that was designed to stay in the bag so you could carry it on your backpack and you see i don’t know if you can see it but there’s a little hole right here in this bag and you can see that this hole it lines up with that hole right here and you can see it so it’s very very handy just like it it’s a very like a robust ziploc bag actually just like that it’s very handy here’s the label what it looks like so you can see there and this is so it’s a united states of america company and it looks like

let’s see mr peanut yeah mr peanut premium that’s their website and so i’m pretty sure if you type in mr peanut collapsible bull on amazon this is going to pop up you know what it looks like and so consider buying one of these so again please share these helpful videos so others can learn about some of these products and some of these easy to make meals make sure to visit us at like and share the video and uh we hope to see you sometimes on one of these trails talk to you later everyone travel on

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Episode 12 Traveling North Out of the Southwest USA 2021 – John Gentry

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Episode 12 Traveling North Out of the Southwest USA 2021 – John Gentry


In this episode, I discuss the conditions I see driving North out of the Southwest USA in 2021. This is additional commentary for what I post on and, combined with the articles, videos, and photography you get an even fuller picture of life within the southwest in 2021.

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7:00 chapter 2

15:00 chapter 3

I created several articles during this trip and you can view them here.
#southwest #podcast #johngentry #exploretraveler #roadtrip

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Camping Food Review – OMEALS Pepperoni Pizza – John Gentry

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Camping Food Review – Omeals Pepperoni Pizza – John Gentry

today a new camping food supplier for you to consider. Omeals is like an MRE for regular people, and with a heating option.

See more of our camping food reviews here:

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1:00 chapter 2

2:00 chapter 3

#campingfood #campingfoodreview #omeals #johngentry #exploretraveler

welcome everyone let’s do a new camping food review and today it’s oatmeal’s pepperoni pizza now you see me review mres and the way you heat the pizza is very similar to a modern day mre so you have three packets inside one of them is the heating packet and there’s two pieces of pizza so you put the heating packet between the two pizza packets and you fill the water to this little line here and it says you let it sit for three to five minutes i went maybe a little over five minutes and it was really really hot so let’s you know just go through real quick it’s 280 calories per servings and it’s two servings so 29 carbs per serving so this is not what i would call a diet food but you know you got picky kid you’re out caffeine and they’re like mom dude i want pepperoni pizza turns out there’s a pepperoni pizza and it probably will last for 20 years in this packet i’m not saying that’s a must-have but something to consider so let’s test it out

okay so it’s in these little packets here

let’s see how hot is it

it’s actually pretty hot they’re like little foil packets so it kind of looks like this so you take it out

it tastes like pepperoni pizza it’s not up to the journal level but that’s pretty close so next time what you think about if you just want to have kind of a fun snack this is something to think about

i wonder if i let it sit longer

if the cheese will melt

it got warm the packet was like boiling hot but the pizza itself was only warm so make sure you add enough water for sure because maybe i didn’t have enough water i’ll have to test it

actually that surprisingly tastes a lot like pizza

considering i am in a remote area of utah right now it’s kind of shocking to be eating pizza so if you’re looking for camping food hiking food prepping food whatever your reason may be um consider these little pizzas i think you know i make some nice surprises for kids especially if they’re under a little bit of stress something going on powers out whatever you can make them a pepperoni pizza now i mean this is pretty cool i went through many of storms with with our kids when they’re little and it would have been nice to have this and so we have a lot of these uh camping food reviews um consider sharing these whether you’re sharing them on you know facebook or twitter or any of the social media channels you can get them from facebook but they’re almost all entirely on our youtube channel explore traveler and we also have an article about camping food on and i usually put that article in the comments below and i pin it to the top so you can click through there and i try over time to add in all these articles sorry all these videos into the camping food article so they’re kind of all consolidated into one place and so if you’re on youtube please like comment hit the bell so you get notification next time i don’t pass post you know like all the time so it’s not like you’re gonna get bombarded i mean at most once or twice a week sometimes when i’m traveling so i’m trying to catch up but really it’s like no more than for a month and so and that’s assuming i can even do for a month i mean i also have to make a living so and you know so consider you know sharing our content we really appreciate it and i think until next time i want to uh just reach out i want you all to go to and to travel on don’t let anything stop you keep doing what you love and get outdoors take your family enjoy life and learn some new tips trips from our website from our youtube videos learn some survival skills camping skills go hiking fishing hunting get outdoors and be prepared for challenging times and by getting back out and doing things that you did as a child you know you refresh those skills and then if you ever need to go in an emergency such as you have a hurricane or whatever the reason you know that you can do something in emergency okay and so travel on everyone

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Camping Food Review – Nomad Nutrition Katmandu Curry – John Gentry

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Camping Food Review – Nomad Nutrition Katmandu Curry – John Gentry ExploreTraveler

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1:00 chapter 2

2:00 chapter 3

See the full article and others’ reviews at the link below.
#campingfood #hiking #nomadnutrition #katmanducurry #johngentry #exploretraveler

Transcript: hello everyone today i want to just go off for another camping food meal and today i’m going to start doing some more from this company called um nomad nutrition they kind of specialize in what them vegetarian meals as far as i know they only make vegetarian meals um they’re not one of my sponsors or anything like that so they haven’t paid me to do this um but that with that uh let’s move on and basically show you this is what blah blah packets look like and today this is the one called kathmandu curry and i kind of did a lot of research looking for somebody that kind of had some maybe you know because of all my time in asia i thought wow it would be nice to have some meals that i can just add water to to have like a little spice to them a little curry feel a little indian these guys do the great job they are out of burnaby british columbia canada and so if you look them up on the internet no mad nutrition i did that i ordered bulk from them um the owner kind of slash operator i think of their website he just did a phenomenal job so big shout out to nomad nutrition i think their meals are pretty good now this one i just heat it up

and let’s uh kind of give you an idea some of the ingredients that they use i would call them higher quality

and so they mix in some mushrooms and some lentils and some beans so you’re still getting protein you’re just getting it from a different source and then if you look at the rice it’s kind of a long grain rice

it’s very good um considering of all the other meals i’ve taste tested for all of you this one is probably one of my favorites so definitely look these guys up i do not think you can find these anywhere except online since they’re from british columbia but maybe rei or some place like that

again it kind of

looked like that you can see the curry in it and the beans and this is a really good meal

this particular one

620 calories so if we’re just sitting item it might be considered a little high but i’m actually on a small hike right now so i’m just taping this at a picnic table i found it’s got 64 grams of carbohydrates which if you’re watching carbs that’s kind of high so make sure you can burn that off but it’s got 20 grams of protein got some salt in it 360 milligrams again if you’re on a hike it’s okay

and basically the other ingredients are this is the potatoes chickpeas rice noodles coconut milk onions bell peppers carrots spinach mushrooms sun dried tomatoes olive oil garlic sea salt and there are certified they’re made with certified organic ingredients so that’s pretty good and it’s got let’s see

it’s uh let’s see gluten free dairy free soy free palm oil free and it’s non-gmo hey we’re very healthy today i should be proud of myself so you know next time you get a chance you want to look for something new something interesting look up no man nutrition look up this particular one kathmandu curry they have several different curry dishes check them out and i think you’re gonna really like it so make sure to like and share this video if you’re on youtube click that bell if you’re on facebook please share it really helps us a lot we reach a lot more people and we like to share this information all around the world because we try to make everything relevant internationally right a lot of these ideas and concepts and gear doesn’t have to be a copy exactly you can find something very similar you may be able to even make something yourself that’s very similar so until next time this is explore traveler out travel on everyone


Bandelier National Monument – Hiking Falls Trail – ExploreTraveler

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Bandelier National Monument – Hiking Falls Trail From Juniper Campground
By John Gentry of ExploreTraveler

Hiking the Falls Trail in Bandelier National Monument and Park. This particular trail is only about 2 miles round trip, and I did it in the morning. I was done by 10 am and was eating an Elk burger by 11 am in the cafe at the visitor center.

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5:00 chapter 2

10:00 chapter 3

#bandellier #bandolier #bandeliernationalmonument #bandeliernationalpark #johngentry #exploretraveler

so as you can see it’s uh getting dark now i am back out at bandelier national monument i’m going to be doing some more research this particular week um i’m going to be making a large article on bandolier so i needed to get some information on a couple remote sites and some additional information in regards to the ruins here from the pueblo peoples i’m currently making some hot water and as you can see the fire’s you know kind of going behind me helping keep the mosquitoes at bay and i am going to continue the the series of uh the basically the these camping foods or hiking foods whatever you want to call it this particular one is backpackers pantry it’s a beef snogwrap with noodles but i’ve got a whole bunch of them here and as i go through this week i’m going to give you some more information and some more tips on you know what to think what to expect and as you can see it’s getting dark here so this is going to be a quick little update video that i’m going to add to this food article uh please don’t forget to share our content like us on facebook follow us on on youtube subscribe or if you’re on twitter make sure you you know follow us there on youtube it’s really important that you don’t just subscribe you have to click the little bell because that’s the only way you’ll be notified if a new video was uploaded and i’m i’m uploading the series now and it’s going to be the same on facebook as it is on youtube but you know different people are on different channels so thank you for following us and uh if you want more information on what’s going on just go to

i’m currently walking on the falls trail here in bandelier national monument

this is kind of what you see

i’m not sure what the crows are ravens or whatever noisy

this trail is only a few miles so it’s not terribly long but i haven’t been on this trail so and i wanted to check out the falls

i mean you have to be kind of careful i mean it’s a small canyon but definitely don’t want to fall down it see what it looks like

take you along on this journey

some cool trees i mean though this universe just smells good out here you can literally just smell the juniper in the air sage as well a little bit of cactuses it’s not a lot but there’s a few out here

there’s these little markers along the way i am not sure

what they mean yet i’m gonna assuming determine your location

i’m currently walking on the falls trail here in bandelier national monument

this is kind of what you see

not sure with the crows or ravens or whatever noisy

this trail is only a few miles so it’s not terribly long but i haven’t been on this trail so and i wanted to check out the falls

i mean you have to be kind of careful i mean it’s a small canyon but definitely don’t want to fall down it see what it looks like take you along on this journey

some cool trees i mean though this universe just smells good out here you can little these just smell the juniper in the air sage as well a little bit of cactuses it’s not a lot but there’s a few out here

there’s these little markers along the way i am not sure

what they mean yet i’m assuming they’re determine your location

i’m about a mile in now

to the falls trail now there’s not going to be a lot of water if anything this time of year

but it’s a good hike it’s the geo logic conditions of this little canyon make it a good conditioning hike for something bigger look at the rocks unbelievable very porous i can see why people like to make caves in them

a lot of unique color to them as well

all right further down we go

come on lower level

the canyon’s moving down a little bit in elevation noticing the vegetation is changing

cool little bridge

it’s beautiful out here

i have a feeling this is my creek that is not running which means

the falls trill probably does not have falls in june

but we’re gonna finish it anyway

and it’s a great adventure it’s great exercise

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Episode 11 – 5 Travel Skills that helped me in my career – John Gentry

Today discussed some simple travel skills or ideas that helped me to be able to adapt to different situations. Life is about change and traveling is like an inoculation for change.

#travelskills #mindset #johngentry #exploretraveler

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7:00 chapter 2

15:00 chapter 3

So I’ve come up with just five basic skills that are the kind of sound generalistic in nature but they have allowed me to broaden my mindset.

1. One of those is when I have traveled it allows me to learn from my surroundings and so what do I mean by that so let’s say I’m in a foreign country I’m learning culture I’m learning language I love to ask questions of people I try to learn their language and ask those questions in their language if possible but sometimes I do speak English to foreigners and they speak English back and I get a lot of interesting comments and I just learn more about people internationally I’ll learn about the surroundings of where I’m at even if it’s just a national park um I pay attention to nature and by learning from my surroundings I get a sense of peace and understanding that I might not have had if I just was just focusing on my little area where I live where I’m from and I never kind of got out and gone anywhere and so that’s what I mean from learning from my surroundings.

2. Another item that I have written down here is outdoor skills right so every time I learn an outdoor skill I build upon it and I learn a new skill, for example, uh people I think to take for granted the ability to just make fire it sounds so simple right I want to make fire maybe you’re going to use a match maybe you’re going to use a lighter well what if you don’t have those two things right are you going to be able to use a flint and steel are you going to be able to do experiments for you you know rub sticks together until you get enough heat or coal in order to make fire it’s it sounds so simple but you know making fire without modern-day appliances is obviously more difficult than one may think. Learn an outdoor skill and build upon that outdoor skill into learning new skills right so every time you do something you’re learning every time you learn something new it leads to something else and that’s what I mean by outdoor skills and build upon each new skill.

3. So one of the things you get from travel I think is you do get more exercise so it’s a certain amount of physical health that you get from that and physical health can be it could be muscle tone or weight loss or those kinds of things but it also gives you a general I call it, uh that’s what I’m looking for maybe virus protection health so when I travel a lot I’m around a lot more people and as the times go on I’m exposed to many different variations of colds and flu and different viruses and so now that I’m older and I’ve had all this exposure I honestly don’t get sick very often and usually if I do it’s like food poisoning right that’s another story for another day, but sometimes uh food poisoning can be very uncomfortable if you’ve had it you’d know what I’m talking about.

4. I think more important than even physical health is mental health that’s something we cannot take for granted, and sometimes mental health can be as simple as looking out over a distance and looking at the clouds moving across a beautiful mountain. Enjoying that moment and relaxing allowing your mind to just kind of recharge. Especially these days there’s just so much propaganda that’s happening in every facet of our lives it’s kind of hit an all-time high so I think mental health is way more important. Now and that includes anyone I don’t care if you’re in China or India or the United States or the Philippines you need your own mental health your own sense of well-being and so travel can help you with that and so just maybe travel out to a park or travel out to a national park in your own country or you know just think of someplace different that you want to go to or you can just get a little bit of quiet a little bit of peace of mind and so make sure to not just think about always doing something sometimes just taking a deep breath breathing in some fresh air and enjoying the quiet that’s what I mean by mental health

5. I think the fifth thing today I want to just talk about real quick is the ability to adapt to new surroundings and situations if you’re traveling hiking camping going somewhere internationally driving somewhere domestically you’re being exposed to different people different places different environments that are keeping your mind mentally sharp. That is allowing you to be able to handle new situations and every time you’re exposed to something new you’re that much stronger right you have it’s a form of information. So just kind of think of it like you’re picking up on data right if you think of it just from a data mindset everything you see everything you touch everything you hear is a form of sensory perception your mind is learning from.