Camping And Hiking Gear Review – Collapsible Bowl – John Gentry
Camping And Hiking Gear Review – Collapsible Bowl – John Gentry – ExploreTraveler
A simple easy to use a bowl that will keep you fed and active while on your next adventure.
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Best Bowls for Camping-Hiking –
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hello everyone so today I wanted to show you some tools that I’ve been using that Karen has found and she’s been finding some of this stuff on Amazon and I think that’s something that everybody can benefit from so today I wanted to show you the collapse it’s a collapsible bowl so I’ve been using this um both remotely and at this particular cabin where I’m at now and I think um this is a really good product now I’m not being sponsored by this company or anything like that
got some great adventures there um i’ve reviewed tons of gear tons of different from mres to dehydrated food i’ve even done videos on food that i bought you know in grocery stores that’s good for camping so i mean we have a vast encyclopedia of adventure travel knowledge that’s there just for you the listener the viewer and the reader of our blog so without further ado this is the collapsible bull now it’s um it’s called collapsible the collapsible silicon camping bowl with lid and folding fork and the name of the company is um let’s see here mr peanut
but it’s it’s actually done by mr peanut pet carriers now people go is that a dog watering bowl does it really matter if you work for people and it weren’t for pets this is extremely extremely handy so i’m going to show you it comes in a special zip bag and you want to save the bag if you happen to buy this because there’s a little hole here in this special bag and that hole aligns with a hole in the device so you can put a clippy in it you can hang it from your backpack as you’re traveling you can use it for your pet but you can use it for yourself as well so here’s what it looks like so this is pretty handy right i mean look how small that is isn’t that great uh it probably comes in other colors but this is what it looked like what i uh what i have you can see it’s you can see the kind of expandable rings there so first you have this lid the lid comes off it seals very very very well so if you’re putting hot water in here and you want to reconstitute something it’s going to get hot in here and it’s going to keep that heat and that moisture inside this dish so it comes with a folding fork it’s a simple fork i mean it’s not as good as the spork but it folds up pretty small it’s kind of handy so i mean you can see it it gets it’s pretty small right so this this is a handy little thing uh maybe you’re having some some sausages on the barbie and this is a good thing to have but this is kind of the cool part so this flat bowl expands to a bowl that big you can see that’s a pretty good sized bowl i can put a lot of stuff in here um this will a whole dehydrated meal will easily fit into this bowl and still have room right so that’s what’s i love this thing so i use this almost daily now and i’ve had it let’s see karen found this on amazon a couple months ago and she shipped this out to me on one of my trips and i used this and if you look at you know some of these places i went to down in the southwest just 30 days ago i was very very remote so this was extremely handy so let me kind of show you how easy it is to just pack up so you just sort of push down and it just kind of pops into place here see like that take it to your little fork just put it in the middle and this goes on just like that
there you go make sure you keep the bag this bag is extremely handy because i’ve never seen a bowl that was designed to stay in the bag so you could carry it on your backpack and you see i don’t know if you can see it but there’s a little hole right here in this bag and you can see that this hole it lines up with that hole right here and you can see it so it’s very very handy just like it it’s a very like a robust ziploc bag actually just like that it’s very handy here’s the label what it looks like so you can see there and this is so it’s a united states of america company and it looks like
let’s see mr peanut yeah mr peanut premium that’s their website and so i’m pretty sure if you type in mr peanut collapsible bull on amazon this is going to pop up you know what it looks like and so consider buying one of these so again please share these helpful videos so others can learn about some of these products and some of these easy to make meals make sure to visit us at like and share the video and uh we hope to see you sometimes on one of these trails talk to you later everyone travel on